Bacteria have quite limited possibilities to communicate over distance or processing complex inputs. Nevertheless they achieve complex tasks such as population control or specialization within a cluster of cells. The means to overcome the limitations of a single individual is called quorum sensing. Although very little is understood by now, this is usually done by emitting a chemical which can pass through the cell borders, different concentrations trigger different actions in the individuals. There is a striking similarity with quorums in clusters. But there is more about it than high availability! Quorum sensing in bacteria work much more subtle and do not depend on out of band communications. The fallback rule for bacteria is to do something different, continuing their work and waiting for an opportunity of a new vote. Computer programs on the other hand usually do not have fall back solutions, they just die. Thus there is a vast field of opportunity in a networked ecosystems: fail gracefully and do/try something different instead. Think of a typical web-shop with a database backend. Under normal circumstances the failure of a single component can be compensated by the other nodes. But these systems tend to be allergic to deteriorating situations where one node after another goes out of service: suddenly just one database backend server has to handle the load of all front end machines and will probably die while trying. Now think of a system where one of the web-servers reconfigures itself to help the database server. This would be real quorum sensing!